What our patients and friends are saying about Operation Helping Hand.
“Our son’s injury on January 15th has proven to be a real challenge not only for him but (for) our family. Your Gift has served to help us continue to be by his side as he recovers.”
From a Father
“When a soldier is wounded in action, the whole family is wounded and Operation Helping Hand has helped us keep our sanity by allowing other families to come together at your monthly dinners and share Hope, Strength and a bit of levity so it takes the edge off the raw nerves. Thank you for MOAA and their dedication to this great family service. “
Sincerely, P.M.
Mike & Rebekah
“I wanted to thank you for the wonderful gift bag. It is groups of individuals like you all that help bring light to situations like ours. Michael was injured in Iraq and suffered a head injury and loss of both eyes. Again thank you for the added support and prayers.”
Ryan - Prep 2017
“Thank you so much for selflessly providing Prep Patients with gift cards, personal items and a great carry bag. Your gracious gifts help so many step through challenging times, not only the Veterans but their precious families.”